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- - Client's charter
Client’s charter

Satisfactory inquiry

Dear customers, we would like you to assess your satisfactory degree of the service you receive in Mladost municipality through this inquiry. The aim of the inquiry is to help with the improvement of the administrative working sector and with the citizens’ service assistance!

Client’s name: …………………………………………………………………………………..

Questions:                                                                           Assessment:

Please, mark one of the assessments:
0 bad, 1 unsatisfactory, 2 satisfactory, 3 good, 4 very good

How would you assess the quality of the service you are offered in the municipality?
How much satisfied do you feel with the offered prizes for the services?
What assessment would you give to the employee, serving you?
How much do you like the way of offering the service – on a single desk?
Receiving the service in the frames of the deadline you have stated.
What is the level of communication with our employees?

Space for you opinions and recommendations:

                                                                         Date: ……………………………………..

Client’s charter

The activity of areal administration Mladost is based on legality, accessibility, transparency, responsibility and coordination.
Following these principles, we introduce you with the Client’s charter which has been complied with:
•    A strategy for modernization of the State’s administration – from joining to integrating, accepted with a Decision number 465 by the Ministry council, dated 9th July 2002 and the strategy for modernization of the State’s administration – from joining to integration, accepted by the Ministry council in 2003;
•     With your assessments, given during regional meetings, in the open hours or in other occasions.

With this client’s charter we want to:

•    Improve the access to different services as we inform you thoroughly on your rights, also on how and where you can obtain the desired administrative services;
•    Obtain high quality of the offered services while we try to reduce your personal expenses and reduce the time you’d have to spend waiting for the service to be done and also offer cooperative employees to serve you;
•    Achieve transparency and kindness as we supply you with the chance for communication with kind and well-informed personnel throughout the entire administrative process;
•    Share what we expect from you and what you are supposed to undertake if the standards are not up to what you await and the level of service is low;
•    Encourage you to speak your mind, your opinion concerning the level of service and he quality of the offered services.

We involve ourselves into:

•    Keeping the equity rights of all clients, we want you to receive lineal service attitude, regardless of your social status, education, age, sex, ethnical background or religion;      
•    Addressing you with respect and patience;      
•    Being professionals and answering your questions accurately and correctly, taking into consideration your personal dignity;
•    Being honest with you and trying to understand your problem and suggesting you the optimal solution;
•    Keeping strictly to pre-established open hours;
•    Meeting the deadlines corresponding to the service needed and when possible, doing it in advance;
•    Having a friendly and comfortable atmosphere to the place where we offer you the services;
•    Requiring our employees to be unbiased through words or attitude;
•    Enriching the ways of receiving information and the access to services;
•    Addressing your problems with attention and concern;     
•    Being correct to you and offering you the optimal solution to your problem;
•    Enlarging the ways for access and offering of information and services; being transparent in the accepting procedures, work on requests, suggestions, signals, pleas of citizens;
•     Giving clear, easy to understand, full and accurate information, explanations and forms, meeting the requirements of the citizens seeking an administrative service;
•    Doing a check in case of a complaint of badly conducted administrative service, as well as informing you for the result of the check;
•    Being confidential to every citizens’ inquires and pleas, residing in Mladost area;
•    Giving the needed services in accordance to our standards of serving;
•    Giving access to disabled people;
•    “Measuring” the customers’ satisfaction with the administrative service and taking the needed steps to increase our activity.

In return we expect:

•    You to treat us with respect and not to be aggressive. If you address treats or your behavior is inadequate, we’d be obliged to ask you to leave.
•    You to be tolerant and kind to the other clients;
•    You to respect the pre-established open hours;
•    You to provide us with the entire information we need for the conducting of the service you want as well as informing us if any changes had occurred;
•     You to be punctual at appointments;
•    You to keep the open hours and days.

What are the benefits to you?

•    An open and minimal contact with the employees;
•    Easy access to information and services;
•    A high quality of the offered services – reducing personal expenses and time for the needed service as well as the changed attitude and desire on behalf of the employees to help;
•    Transparency and kindness – clear service procedures in accordance with the clients’ requirements;
•    Society effect – improving servicing;
•    Significantly lowering the corruption factor;
•    Two-way system of connection and control;
•    Quick and modern service – saving time, means and nerves.

You can reach us and receive information in the following ways:
• Visit us in our Information center, 10 Troshevo living complex, room number 1a (ground floor, on the Vladislav Varnenchik boulevard side)
• Write to us at 10 Troshevo living complex, bl.10, 9000 Varna
• On telephone numbers:
052/511 607 ("Territorial urbanization"), cash desks, pets’ registration, written pleas, suggestions and signal;
052/511 608 (Merchant and advertising activity, accommodation, property, ecological control and merchant and advertising activity control);  
052/511 608 (Citizens’ membership ESGRAON);
052/504 818 (Establishing guardianship );
052/741 633  (Ecological control, public order, spoken signals, suggestions and complaints);
• Mladost region web page: www.varna-mladost.com ;
• Information signs – Mladost region building on the second floor (main entrance);
• Open hours’ days:
With the Information center employees – every working day from 8:30 am to 12:15 pm and from 1 pm to 15:30 pm;
With the rest of the administration employees (without an appointment) on Mondays and Thursdays from 9 am to 12 pm;

Detailed information on the offered services of the separate sections in Mladost region, the necessary papers, owed taxes/prizes and the deadlines for the completion of the tasks are all published on our web site: www.varna-mladost.com .

We can also offer you:

•         Brochures and administrative service information which you can obtain in the capital public buildings;
•     Help when filling in your requirements in the Information center;

Kind and careful serving is a top priority in our work. The client is the most important thing.

•    Personal identification is obligatory – the employee wears a badge with their names and position. When answering the phony, they introduce themselves with their name and family name.
•    We will meet your expectations for the desired service and will answer in the shortest possible time frames at a convenient language. All we require are the papers of you dossier. We will serve you, guaranteeing you full confidentiality.
•    When you visit us – we will accept you at the appointed hour, if we have an appointment;
•    If it is necessary for you to visit us again, we will try to do this in the shortest possible period.

When you write to us:

•     Address your letters: 10 Troshevo living complex, 9000 Varna      
•    You can obtain information over the phone if your letter or fax has been received, what are their numbers and the dates they got registered       
•    We are to receive a written answer to the address you have given.

When we write to you:

•    We will send the letters to the address you have given us;
•    We will try our best to be accurate and thorough in our replies;
•    We will notify you once we have turned your suggestions, signals, pleas or requests to the corresponding institutions.

If you are not pleased:

•    With the standards of service;      
•    With the attitude of some concrete employee;
•    Or you have other complaints – please, notify us. Signal all misuses: motioned written plea, complaint or objection towards the Mayor of the area;
All further objections or pleas connected to the service we have conducted are to be made in the specified deadline decrees,                
We feel obliged to go through your suggestions, opinions, comments, signals and complaints which you can put into motion if you use: 
•    Mail
•    Opinion, suggestions and remarks by citizens book
•    Internet page of Mladost area
•    Inquiry cards
•    Open hours with the Mayor or his deputy and the region secretary      

We feel obliged to go through your suggestions, opinions, comments, signals and complaints and take the certain measurements when they are in our field of work.

We feel obliged to reply to every given in a written form plea and/or request based on bad administrative service in the frames of a seven-day deadline since the day the plea/request had been received / except for the cases when an investigation is needed /.

  Regional administration keeps its right not to:

•    Respond to questions, signals, pleas or complaints containing uncensored phrases, not motivated or offensive statements, lowering the institution’s prestige;
•    Go through anonymous signals and complaints unless they threat citizens’ health or safety;
•    Give replies to questions connected with personal data or classified information.

We reveal concrete results:

•    We do not simply do statistics of the activities and deposits, we design real prices and closely observe the results;
•    We evaluate the satisfaction of clients with our activities and if it is necessary we rise its levels;
•    We analyze your suggestions for making the administrative services and their access better and of course, those which are applicable will be reflected in the working process of the corresponding administrative sections;
•    We offer you with a concrete and thorough standard for every service, according to the documents, the decrees of municipality Varna, the decisions of the ministry council and orders, given by the Mayor of Varna or the region. The conducted services are announced either on the information boards in the corresponding region or on the Internet. It is necessary for you to know that the time needed for our employees to erase inaccuracies or missing information in the given by you, does not include in the pre-stated deadlines for the needed administrative service.

The dynamical changes that take place all the time make it obligatory for a dialogue to occur between the country government and the citizens. That is why we urge you to state your citizen position, so together we can find the right way for a better-organized and more efficient work of the administration, one that serves the society.             
Your estimation as a customer of administrative services, for the efforts which our administration shows, is extremely important for us.             
Your suggestions and opinions we expect at: 10 Troshevo living complex, bl.10, 9000 Varna, fax 052/501 111, telephone number 052/741 633.
               You also have the chance to publish your suggestions and opinions on the site of Mladost area: www.varna-mladost.com, as well as on its Email: rnmladost@abv.bg .

Additional Client’s charter information:

This Client’s charter has been established by the Mladost town hall and has been published on the municipality web site: www. varna-mladost.com.
 You can find the chart on paper in the Information center in Mladost region.  
 It is to be actualized periodically, due to new structure innovations and additions in the activity of the regional administration in response to client’s requirements.

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