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Local committees for Prevention of the anti-social manifestation of juveniles are developed in every municipality. Among the LC members are public administration representatives. They are responsible with the problems of the healthcare, education, social care, police, teachers, psychiatrists, lawyers, doctors and public figures.

LC for PAMJ works in the fallowing directions:

1. LC, according to the Prevention of the anti-social manifestations of juveniles’ law, organizes and conducts the preventive activity in the region. It also investigates and locates, with the help of Children’s pedagogical room and Public institution foe social support, the juveniles who need help and also the committee takes measures for their social security and education.

2. LC takes care for those juveniles who have left the social boarding-schools, the reformatories, the house for abandoned children by finding them solve their problems.

3. LC observes closely those who are out of contemporary boarding schools and reformatories and those who are suspended.

4. LC supports children at risk, maltreated children and deviant children on the area territory.

5. LC helps parents who find it difficult to bring their children up via lections, consultations and other various initiatives.

6. LC analyses the criminal and anti-social manifestations of juveniles tendencies, also their dynamics and hazardous factors structure.

7. Along with the Non-governmental organizations, LC organizes crime and anti-social manifestations prevention programs and projects, they also work against children maltreatment and different risk preventions – prostitution prevention and child traffic, AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases prevention, abandoned children and school dropping out.



Based on article 5, paragraph 1 from the Conditions and order decree for the establishment of housing citizen needs, accommodation and public buildings sell at local administrations in Varna, card-indexes are being issued for citizens with established housing needs, applying for residence in buildings owned by the Municipality.

Based on article 6, paragraph 1 from the decree, the Mayor of the area calls for a five-member committee so card-indexes could be given to citizens, who have applied to be put up into public rental housing buildings and approve them. The committee must have two administrative representatives, a representative of social activities and housing policy and two committee representatives, pointed by the committee chief representative. THE COMMITTEE HAS THE FALLOWING TASKS:

1. Examines the requests and declarations in the limits of one month and decide upon whether the citizens are included or not in the card-indexes.

2. Makes a decision to exclude the citizens from the card-indexes based on article 8, paragraph 1 from the decree.

3. Determines the need degree for the families based on article 5, paragraph 1 from the present decree.

4. Makes a suggestion to the Mayor of the area for the hosting of the needed families according to the present free housing fund. The accommodation is done through an order from the Mayor.

5. It gives a position as to how much the applicants meet the requirements according to article 33, paragraph 2 from the decree.

6. Makes a suggestion for a suspension of the rental relations with residents meeting the article 21, paragraph 1 requirement of the decree.

7. It makes an annual card-index update in the sequence of the separate citizens groups and during the year only based on article 7, paragraph 2 and paragraph 3 from the decree.

Every committee decision is approved by an order form the Mayor.



Article 4 from the decree establishes a committee, dealing with the movement of portable commercial objects, determining the owner of the movable trade objects according to article 56 of the Territory development law. The newly formed committee is composed by three municipal councilors and by a single representative of the municipal and regional administration. Chairman of the committee is a member voted by the board itself. The committee is an institution working unceasingly. The municipal councilors of the board are replaced every year by a rotation method.

According to article 4 the committee works on the fallowing principles:

1. Examines requests for placing movable object upon municipal land according to article 56

From the Territory development law in the corresponding area and, respectively, announces its opinion on the matter.

2. Examines requests, asking for an extension on the permit for placing removable objects according to article 56 on the area territory.

3. Approves the scheme for open market trading for the corresponding calendar year.

4. Examines request for open market trade and gives its answer to them.

5. Examines all issues, resulting from the Article 4 decree regulation attachments and takes a decision.

6. For its decisions the committee creates a report which is shown to a popular place in the building of regional administration.










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